- Yes. I took five courses of Public Relations. 有的,我修了五门公关专业的课程。
- We elected her director of public relations. 我们选她为公关部主任。
- Modern Language Art of Public Relations II. 现代公关语言艺术2。
- Here is my card. I'm Manager of Public Relations Department. 这是本人的名片。我是公共关系部经理.
- She works for a firm of public relations consultants. 她在一家公关咨询公司工作。
- Donatella's skill in the arena of public relations went far from unused. 多纳泰拉在公关领域的能力越来越突出。
- As regards to jus dispositivum, the two branches of legal science differ vastly in the fact that there are much less norms of jus dispositivum in the field of international economic law than in the field of public international law. 就任意法规范而言,与国际公法富含任意法规范不同,国际经济法中的任意法规范甚少。
- You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则。
- This is Ms. Tang Tianyu,Director of Public Relations Division and this is Ms. Joan Strong from London. 这位是公关部经理唐天宇女士,这位是从伦敦来的琼·斯特朗女士。
- What is the importance of public relations in a market economy? What are the ethical problems of public relations? 在市场经济中,公共关系的重要性是什么?公共关系面临着哪些伦理问题?
- This is Ms. Tang Tianyu, Director of Public Relations Division and this is Ms. Joan Strong from London. 这位是公关部经理唐天宇女士,这位是从伦敦来的琼·斯特朗女士。
- Sadi Pire, the PUK's head of public relations, says, “Don't underestimate our fighters. 库尔德斯坦爱国联盟的公共关系负责人萨迪.;皮雷说,“不要低估我们的战士。
- To observe the norms of Labor Health and Safety. 遵循劳工健康和安全守则。
- Some years ago, a senior bank executive in charge of public relations asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department. 好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明公关部的工作?
- Abstract: The purpose of this article was to explore academic origin of communication ascription of Public Relations. 文章快照: 梳理出公共关系理论的由来和发展,以便于建立公共关系的传播学科知识体系。
- Creates the norm of a quaternion. 创建四元数的模方。
- The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) is the UK's leading public relations industry professional body. 英国特许公共关系协会成立于1948年,是英国此行业中占据主导地位,同时也是欧洲最大的专业性机构。
- Only this kind of talents can be competent for the task of public relation. 这种人才能胜任公关任务。
- The debate aroused not a speck of public interest. 这次争论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
- Some years ago,a senior bank executive in charge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department. 好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明给人家看,公关部的工作不是可有可无的?